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Other FAQ's

This is not the only FAQ, of course. Lots of FAQ's are available either by being posted to newsgroups or by access via FTP.

German Amiga-FAQ
This is the german translation of the AmigaFAQ you are reading. Newsgroups: de.comp.sys.amiga.misc, zer.z-netz.rechner.amiga.allgemein HTML: `http://www.leo.org/archiv/amiga/misc/amigafaq/' Aminet: `docs/misc/AmigaFAQg.lha' Maintainer: Ignaz Kellerer, kellerer@informatik.tu-muenchen.de
Amiga related books FAQ
This is a list of books for the Amiga, including short discussions, prices and sources. Newsgroups: comp.sys.amiga.misc, comp.sys.amiga.introduction, comp.sys.amiga.programmer (monthly) HTML: `http://eksl-www.cs.umass.edu/~atkin/amiga/books.faq.html' Ftp: rtfm.mit.edu, `pub/usenet/comp.sys.amiga.misc'. Maintainer: Marc Atkin, atkin@cs.umass.edu
This is for users of AmiTCP/IP, a set of programs which allows to include an Amiga into a TCP/IP network. (Most well known nets, Internet for example use TCP/IP.) Newsgroups: comp.sys.amiga.misc, comp.sys.amiga.datacomm, comp.sys.amiga.networking (biweekly) Ftp: rtfm.mit.edu, pub/usenet/comp.sys.amiga.networking Maintainer: Neil J. McRae (atcpfaq@domino.demon.co.uk)
Amiga Networking FAQ
Unlike the AmiTCP/IP FAQ this one wants to cover all aspects of networking, including TCP/IP and Envoy. Newsgroups: comp.sys.amiga.datacomm, comp.sys.amiga.hardware Ftp: rtfm.mit.edu, pub/usenet/comp.sys.amiga.networking Maintainer: Richard Norman (norman@afas.msfc.nasa.gov)
Point Manager FAQ
Networking seems to be quite a problem: This FAQ os for Point Manager, a FidoNet-client (so-called points). Newsgroups: comp.sys.amiga.datacomm Ftp: rtfm.mit.edu, pub/usenet/comp.sys.amiga.datacomm Maintainer: Eric Krieger (pm_faq@quasar.hacktic.nl)
All about FTP
Explains the usage of the file transfer program FTP. See Getting files from a FTP server. Newsgroups: comp.sys.amiga.misc (monthly) Ftp: Aminet, info/start Betreuer: Urban Dominik Mueller (umueller@amiga.icu.net.ch)

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